渦流觸媒前段排氣管 (M139)
渦流觸媒前段排氣管 (M139)
專利渦流觸媒 ( Eddy Catalytic Downpipe ) 設計,廢氣排放時,產生獨特的渦流氣體流動,低轉速時,增加廢氣與觸媒載體的接觸面積,達成更潔淨的廢氣排放.與適度的回壓與低扭;中高轉速時,氣體產生渦流旋轉排放的方式,加快排放速度,提升引擎高轉速時的效率,與動力提升的加乘效果,提供更潔淨的廢氣,達到低、中、高,全速域的完美表現。
※專利O2 Sensor的感應設計,真實讀取每一轉速間的排氣變化,不需外接晶片,無故障燈困擾,提供更佳、更顯著的動力、與節省油耗的表現。
Various U.S. states and the U.S. federal government have individual laws regulating the use of aftermarket exhaust parts and systems, especially as those parts and systems modify, remove, or replace original equipment catalysts. Please consult the appropriate laws in your area before installing any aftermarket part or system on your vehicle to ensure compliance with all applicable laws.The purchasers are entirely responsible for informing themselves of the applicable laws where the products are to be used and to comply with those law.